Monday, February 28, 2011

     Swimming unexpectedly, fully clothed, is not fun.  At all.  There are very few situations in which that statement would be untrue. (I have experienced one, but that's another story.)  Today, however, is not one of them.  Never in my life have a been so bored that the torrential downpour outside the English classroom window seemed so fascinating.  Our small town in Eastern Tennessee, today, reminds me of a shallow kiddie pool.  That reference alone, a statement I conveyed to my cousin, inspired this blog post.  Other than the deluge that was seemingly confined to our dreary county, though that is certainly not true, today was rather uneventful.
<<- My town, minus the slide (can't have that amount of fun here) and the lush green grass and trees.  Its pretty much all mucky and dead right now.

     After showers of epic boredom poured out on me (see what I did there? With the words and the rain?? Ha... Haha..)  for a good portion of the day, I made my way to McInedible.  This is just something my cousins and I call McDonalds, obviously, though I actually enjoy the fattening, artery clogging foods from said establishment.  The way I justified myself in eating chicken nuggets drenched in barbeque sauce and an apple pie, was the visit to my uncle's gym of sorts, later in the evening.  My uncle has a power lifting team that competes in competitions usually just in the Eastern Tennessee area.  They're the kind of people that if you saw them on the street you might think to yourself, "Wow, he's a big man," and cross the street for fear of an untimely flare of anger.  That is, until you actually talk to them.  It's like a group of teddy bears on anabolic steroids.  Some of the nicest people you will ever meet. :D Amazing.
     Well to finish of for tonight here's Sierra's Word of the Day: Teletubbies, because they're a childhood memory for all Americans, but the cool part is that they have TV's where their stomaches should be... And that's amazing.  She really out did herself witht that one.. :)

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