Saturday, January 15, 2011

¡Viva Epic Fail!

     Ok, who came up with cleaning anyway?? You clean and you clean and you clean and guess what? There is still more cleaning to do. Nothing is EVER clean! And call me crazy, but I don't think Adam and Eve busied themselves about the Garden of Eden sweeping, because it would never be clean. All they would find is an endless amount of dirt, dirt, and more dirt.  Moms and dads of the world, take a hint from Adam and Eve, and chill out!!  The cleaning will get done eventually, but I promise it will not hurt anything for the dishes to sit in the sink for one more day.

     In other news, I will  never understand the widespread addiction of video games.  I mean isn't it the equivalent of twiddling your thumbs, considering the whole game is moving a joystick and pushing a button with your thumbs???  Oh, but because there is a little person/animal/piñata (viva piñata? seriously?) adhering to every twitch of your hand it is an entertaining way to pass the day, or get fat either way you want to look at it.  Of course I think that really might be why some people like them.  It's the only time in their life anybody has ever done what they wanted.  Hello Mr. Piñata, please jump to the left. Ohh! No to the right. Quick get that coin! Yes, Mr. Piñata, explode! Let your candy rain down!  People, get a life, get a girlfriend (or a boyfriend), get a hobby, do some pushups (let's face it you could probably benefit from a few), but playing video games all day??  Epic fail.

     Before I go, I thought I'd share with you another blonde story offered up by my wonderfully blonde cousin.  I'm assuming they were discussing dinner plans, or farm animals, or maybe this was just a random thought that happened to come to him during one of those amazing discussions our family seems to have only while in the car. Point being he looks to his mom, dad, and sister, earnestly searching for an answer to the question, "Does chicken come from cow or pig?"

Thursday, January 13, 2011

One of Those Days

     Do you ever wake up and the second your feet hit the floor you think to yourself, "Today is gonna be one of those days."?  Here in good old East Tennessee today was one of those days.  I got up after another night of not getting enough sleep to lay around my friend's house staring out her bedroom window at the snowy abyss that is the hell hole I live in.  Yet another week that we've laid outta school, yet another day we'll have to make up during what could be our break or our Saturday off. Don't get me wrong I love school, the work may not be so great, but seeing my friends is a good way to spend eight ours a day if you ask me. However, after a month and a half of sitting at home all day everyday doing nothing I find myself thinking, "I thought this was the reason I switched back to public school?"  After a whopping two apple strudel poptarts and piece of cheese for breakfast/lunch my friend and I journeyed back to my house in hopes of internet not disabled by the weather, or other means of entertainment.  People of the blogging universe, we were severely disappointed.

    We walked in the door to be greeted by the smell of old waffles and turkey. Mouth watering, huh? Not so much.  For Christmas my parents got me a new bed, because the one I had was broken and looked like it would buckle at any second, so we were given the task of cleaning, and sweeping my room before dismantling my broken down bed and carrying it into the hallway. Not exactly our idea of a fun time.  Once we got it done, though it took several more hours than it should have, we began carrying the many pieces of my new bed up the stairs. For that we deserve a standing ovation. The two Graces made it up the stairs with every piece of the bed and themselves in tact. Thank you, thank you. We gathered our supplies, took out the instructions, and thought that the construction of an easy-to-assemble bed would be simple for two bright teenage girls. My parents were apt to inform us that we were wrong.  Following their arrival many quarrels, that, at the time, seemed more like battles, took place. The typical "I know what I'm doing and you don't." type of macho attitude. (*cough cough* my dad)  Two hours later the bed is put together and I'm too worked up to sleep in it.  Ahhh, it sure has been one of those days.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Red, White, and Blonde

   A few weeks ago my friend and I were sitting at a gas station waiting for my mom to get gas. Shortly after announcing that she loves the smell of gas my friend turns to me and asks, "How do they get the chicken out of the egg before they sell it to you?" This question made me wonder how often she visits the gas station for fun. (As suggested by the title my friend is blonde.) Even my ten year old sister saw the hilarity of the question. Once you make it to the third grade shouldn't chickens and eggs be common sense?

   I know it seems like I'm picking on blondes but here's one instance that the blonde outsmarted all the rest:  A few years ago my cousins were over for dinner. My mom had made chicken, potatoes, corn, and green beans. Out of the four kids none of us had any green beans on our plate. My mom, noticing this, says, "If you all try one green bean I'll give you each a dollar." Reluctantly we all take the one green bean and, as quickly as we could, chew and swallow it. After she has distributed the four dollar bills, my four or five year old (blonde) cousin stands up and says, "I already liked green beans, Aunt Angie, but thanks for the dollar!"

    To all the blondes out there, thank you for making life a little more interesting!

Monday, January 10, 2011


The ones we love the most
Are the ones we always seem to hurt
We know they'll always come back
So our anger boils over and towards them we're curt

But one day they'be all had it
They won't put up with you anymore
Even the strongest got tired of pain
And didn't stick around for another encore

As it turns out the love wasn't real
You just enjoyed seeing them suffer
You thought those three words would always make it better
But none hung around long as the going got tougher

Even when it came to the one who loved you most
You trampeled them into the ground
Who said it is better to have loved and lost?
I wish this pain had never been found

I say it's over. I'm done feeling like this
I wish it could just be that easy
But at the end of the day the pain is still there
Leaving my head pounding and my stomach queasy

You say you're sorry but you're not sincere
And besides it's already too late
I'm left reeling in the dust
My insides aching, I'm not stable in my current state