Thursday, January 13, 2011

One of Those Days

     Do you ever wake up and the second your feet hit the floor you think to yourself, "Today is gonna be one of those days."?  Here in good old East Tennessee today was one of those days.  I got up after another night of not getting enough sleep to lay around my friend's house staring out her bedroom window at the snowy abyss that is the hell hole I live in.  Yet another week that we've laid outta school, yet another day we'll have to make up during what could be our break or our Saturday off. Don't get me wrong I love school, the work may not be so great, but seeing my friends is a good way to spend eight ours a day if you ask me. However, after a month and a half of sitting at home all day everyday doing nothing I find myself thinking, "I thought this was the reason I switched back to public school?"  After a whopping two apple strudel poptarts and piece of cheese for breakfast/lunch my friend and I journeyed back to my house in hopes of internet not disabled by the weather, or other means of entertainment.  People of the blogging universe, we were severely disappointed.

    We walked in the door to be greeted by the smell of old waffles and turkey. Mouth watering, huh? Not so much.  For Christmas my parents got me a new bed, because the one I had was broken and looked like it would buckle at any second, so we were given the task of cleaning, and sweeping my room before dismantling my broken down bed and carrying it into the hallway. Not exactly our idea of a fun time.  Once we got it done, though it took several more hours than it should have, we began carrying the many pieces of my new bed up the stairs. For that we deserve a standing ovation. The two Graces made it up the stairs with every piece of the bed and themselves in tact. Thank you, thank you. We gathered our supplies, took out the instructions, and thought that the construction of an easy-to-assemble bed would be simple for two bright teenage girls. My parents were apt to inform us that we were wrong.  Following their arrival many quarrels, that, at the time, seemed more like battles, took place. The typical "I know what I'm doing and you don't." type of macho attitude. (*cough cough* my dad)  Two hours later the bed is put together and I'm too worked up to sleep in it.  Ahhh, it sure has been one of those days.

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