Saturday, January 15, 2011

¡Viva Epic Fail!

     Ok, who came up with cleaning anyway?? You clean and you clean and you clean and guess what? There is still more cleaning to do. Nothing is EVER clean! And call me crazy, but I don't think Adam and Eve busied themselves about the Garden of Eden sweeping, because it would never be clean. All they would find is an endless amount of dirt, dirt, and more dirt.  Moms and dads of the world, take a hint from Adam and Eve, and chill out!!  The cleaning will get done eventually, but I promise it will not hurt anything for the dishes to sit in the sink for one more day.

     In other news, I will  never understand the widespread addiction of video games.  I mean isn't it the equivalent of twiddling your thumbs, considering the whole game is moving a joystick and pushing a button with your thumbs???  Oh, but because there is a little person/animal/piñata (viva piñata? seriously?) adhering to every twitch of your hand it is an entertaining way to pass the day, or get fat either way you want to look at it.  Of course I think that really might be why some people like them.  It's the only time in their life anybody has ever done what they wanted.  Hello Mr. Piñata, please jump to the left. Ohh! No to the right. Quick get that coin! Yes, Mr. Piñata, explode! Let your candy rain down!  People, get a life, get a girlfriend (or a boyfriend), get a hobby, do some pushups (let's face it you could probably benefit from a few), but playing video games all day??  Epic fail.

     Before I go, I thought I'd share with you another blonde story offered up by my wonderfully blonde cousin.  I'm assuming they were discussing dinner plans, or farm animals, or maybe this was just a random thought that happened to come to him during one of those amazing discussions our family seems to have only while in the car. Point being he looks to his mom, dad, and sister, earnestly searching for an answer to the question, "Does chicken come from cow or pig?"

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